I beat in beatniks
Sneakin' time and making bleed sink
Giggling ears to many sears
Rather be than only rather
Noise you in strings of nonsense
Calling fishes to fix the dishes
Music in the mud of mind
I mind you over the mind’s eye of I
Professional lazyness of doing stars from ether
I ether you
Eteranalyzing the ways of waying things
Think harder to soft reality
Stream of consciousness conjecturing screams
Jump over blues
Tastin' yellow ones - its seems ok
Ok you, you you depart of any part
Next step: step aside
Follow the hollow
Narrow your mouth with arrows
Shoot them
Rifle your soul and skin
Standing steel
Borrowed hands
Kill the instincts and let all
All yourself
Innerselfing the worries and beautifulness
Waiting don't hoping
Pulling ropes to wonder
Standing steel
Few me
Dull yourself and see the world I see
Where darkness is the brightest peace in white
Happin' the balance of being
No thing
Instead of escaping
Run the race
Race you to last
I lap you and win reaching the final position
Triggerin’ patience and countin’ to inifinity...
Tank you!
I dear, dare and mean:
Rather be than only rather - genial